Information forum for landlords
South Kesteven District Council (SKDC) is hosting a free Landlords' Forum at Grantham's Guildhall Arts Centre next Thursday (10 Oct).
The event, starting at 9.30am, is being supported by DASH Services, which oversees the Lincolnshire Landlord Accreditation Scheme and is a leading provider of housing advice, information and guidance for the private rented sector.
It will include a presentation by the SKDC housing team, an update for landlords by the National Landlords Association and DASH on recent legislation changes, and a question and answer session.
Project Manager with DASH, Linda Cobb, said: "So much has changed and is changing for private landlords. It is now more vital than ever for them to stay in touch with what is going on so they don't unintentionally fall foul of the law.
"It will give property professionals the chance to hear what fellow landlords are doing, ask questions and share experiences."
The event is open to all landlords, agents, letting agents and associated professions.
To register email [email protected] or call SKDC's environmental health team on 01476 406080.
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