Grantham: Lincolnshire NHS community trust to showcase improvements and its work during the pandemic

The trust that runs community health services in Lincolnshire will soon be reporting the progress it has made over the past year.
The Lincolnshire Community Health Services NHS Trust (LCHS) is holding its Annual Public Meeting virtually on Tuesday September 14 from 12.30pm to 1.30pm where it will reflect on its achievements and performance during the last financial year (ending March 31).
The meeting will be opened by trust chair Elaine Baylis and feature a series of short films showcasing the work of key projects and services from 2020/21.
The trust says 2020 has been an unprecedented year for the NHS and it has had to make changes to how it delivers services to ensure patients receive the care they need, and staff work in a safe environment during the ongoing pandemic.
Members of the public can take part by submitting questions in advance that relate to LCHS business from 1 April, 2020 to 31 March, 2021.
Questions can be submitted by completing the submission form on the trust's website or via email to [email protected].
These must be received by no later than midnight on Sunday, 12 September.
The trust asks for just one question per person so it can accommodate and manage as many questions as possible from different people during the one-hour meeting.
Mrs Baylis said: "Our Annual Public Meeting is an opportunity to reflect on Lincolnshire Community Health Services NHS Trust's performance, progress and achievements during a very challenging time.
"have a lot to be proud of including our role in the COVID-19 vaccination programme and developments to urgent care services helping people of Lincolnshire receive care closer to home."
Mrs Baylis continued: "This meeting is a highlight in our events calendar and, while it is disappointing not to be able to welcome members of the public in person, we hope to still offer a very warm digital welcome to those who are able to join us.
"We also look forward to engaging with members of the public on their views and queries on our performance during 2020/21 through the question and answer part of the meeting."
To join the virtual Annual Public Meeting, participants should go to at 12.30pm
LCHS's September Board of Directors meeting will also take place the same day, starting at 10am. Members of the public who would like to watch the live stream of both meetings will need to exit the live stream they have been following for the Board of Directors meeting and click into the link for the Annual Public Meeting to join.