Grantham: Health chiefs clash with campaigners and patients over town hospital fracture services

Health chiefs at the United Lincolnshire Hospitals Trust have clashed with hospital campaigners over the restoration of the fracture clinic service at Grantham Hospital.
Jody Clarke of Fighting4Grantham Hospital told Nub News says she is 'really concerned' about the fracture clinic service at Grantham Hospital, something she has been told about by hospital campaigners, staff and patients.
Jody said: "It has not been restored to the pre covid level as it is not allowing first appointments to go there.
"They have 2 appointment slots for patients who can't travel, but they need consultant approval first and is not enough to meet the needs of the local area."
"The trust said they would reinstate the services to the pre covid changes and have not stuck to their word.
"It's no wonder our local population do not trust what they say when they don't stick to their word!"
Jody continued: "We have had no public consultation to change this service and when I asked about it at last weeks United Lincolnshire Hospitals Trust board meeting, they did not answer my question!
"Staff are on site, with adequate resources to run our fracture clinic as it was before, so why are our residents being sent to Lincoln or Boston, when they are not complex fractures?
"The trust mentioned e trauma appointments but this is not the same as initial and follow up appointments being available for all at Grantham!
She expolained: "Our A&E can X-ray and diagnose a fracture, they should be able to then book in the appointments at Grantham for plaster, initial appointment with consultant and follow up appointments (using the e system when appropriate).
"The other departments at Boston and especially Lincoln, are very busy seeing their own patients!
Jody added: "If the Trust just restored our services as agreed, then our residents wouldn't have to take 3 buses to an alternative site! Or Partners and Friends having to take a day off work to get to an alternative site!"
Chief Operating Officer, Simon Evans told Nub News today: "The fracture clinic service is now fully restored at Grantham and District Hospital, and the number of patients seen in the service has increased month on month since it was re-instated, and in August saw 56 patients.
"We have also introduced a virtual e-trauma system across the Trust, which has overall reduced the need for some patients to come into hospital at all."
However, debate rages on social media as to what is the situation.
Helen Bartlett posted on Facebook today: "Attended Grantham A&E yesterday with my son who injured his knee. They were busier than I've ever seen them. He was diagnosed with an injury to his medial collateral ligament and X-ray showed no breaks.
"Today, I've been called to make a follow up appointment at the fracture clinic and was offered Lincoln or Boston. I asked for Grantham and was told that they're not able to book appointments for Grantham.
"Seems crazy. Lincoln and Boston are over an hours drive away, Grantham is 15 minutes. I'm going to call Grantham when I'm able."
Pattii Janczewska said: "My son broke his wrist 3 weeks ago and today we have to go for the follow up appointment to Lincoln . Tried changing it to Grantham but with no success ðŸ™"
Sue Rowsell posted: "I fractured my patella several weeks ago. The initial diagnosis and non-weight bearing plaster was done at Grantham.
"My first fracture clinic appointment was then at Lincoln. While there, I discussed my travel difficulties with the consultant. He said he doesn't hold a clinic at Grantham but transferred me to a colleague who does."
Helen Bartlett added: "I've just spoken to a lovely lady in Grantham fracture clinic. She explained that currently, the first follow up appointment must be at Lincoln or Boston but you can then ask to be transferred to Grantham for any follow up appointments. Frustrating, but nothing I can do."